Art for Ukraine

A coordinated effort by American organizations in Singapore, the Singapore Red Cross and the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Singapore. Spearheaded by American Association of Singapore.


Supporting Ukraine
Empowering Children
the Artwork
Plain and simple, the people of Ukraine are in crisis. We want them to know the world supports them in their time of need.
At the same time, children across the globe are feeling the stress of what's happening. Many feel helpless and perhaps even frightened. Studies show the best way to help children cope with stress is to empower them by letting them help. Americans are also known to help in times of need.
So the goal of this effort is two-fold:
To support the Ukrainian people
To empower children and others who want to help
The American community in Singapore was encouraged to have their children create artwork on A4 paper only in support of the Ukrainian people. Families and friends were also encouraged to submit artwork. And no, you didn't have to be an American or a child to contribute art.
While artwork is a fabulous gesture, the truth is Ukranians really need our money to help them through these challenging times and to hopefully rebuild one day.
So the artwork will be digitized and uploaded to create one giant collage. This image will be minted into a non-fungible token (NFT) to be sold on All proceeds from these sales will be donated to Red Cross Singapore, earmarked for Ukrainian humanitarian relief efforts.
The Mintable platform takes credit cards or you can use etherium to purchase your NFT. Fifty copies were minted initially and more may be minted later. Each NFT costs USD$20.
The sales will continue through May 31, 2022 as per the agreement with
Red Cross Singapore. All proceeds minus fees will be donated to Red Cross Singapore.
Is buying the NFT too tricky? No worries! You can simply buy the collage from the AAS store!
What happens to the original artwork? The Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Singapore will work their diplomatic ties to deliver the original artwork directly to Ukrainian refugees.
Q: How do I buy a NFT?
A. You can simply click this link to purchase your NFT. takes credit cards and Etherium.
Q: Why do I have to have a Metamask account if I'm buying using a credit card?
A. You must have an account so that your NFT can be sent somewhere. Otherwise, you buy your NFT and it can't be delivered to you. The Metamask account is free.
Q: So how do I set up a Metamask account?
A: It's easy! Be sure to use Chrome and download the Metamask app. Then set up your free account.
Q: I thought the price was USD$20. Why is the collage costing so much on Mintable?
A: The site charges money for gas which is basically their fees which go up and down through the day. It should be cheapest between 4-6pm. Note: AAS only gets $20 even if you buy it for $70.
Q: I'm having trouble with buying the collage on Mintable. Is there another way to buy it?A: No worries! We've got you. You can simply buy the downloadable image at the AAS store.
Q: Buying a NFT or a downloadable image is too complicated for me, but I still want to support this effort. What can I do?
A: No problem. Just click this link and donate directly to our Red Cross Singapore fundraising efforts.
For those purchasing, the questions below were what we told our artists. We've left these answers in case you have the same questions!
Do I have to be a child to participate?
A: No! Anybody's welcome to contribute.
Q: Do have to be an American to participate?
A. Nope. American organizations are encouraged to pitch in, but anybody can participate.
Q: What size should my artwork be?
A: A4 only please
Q: What should go into my artwork?
A: Your art can be whatever you want! But remember, many Ukrainians may not speak English so drawings and images are good. Feel free to use Ukrainian, American and Singaporean flags, hearts, blue & yellow, red & white and red, white & blue, sunflowers et al. Anything else you want is fine. The idea is to let those suffering in Ukraine that we in Singapore are sending best wishes.
Q: Is this okay with the Singapore government?
A: Yes! When funds are being raised for humanitarian crisis, they can be sent outside of Singapore and can be gathered outside of our immediate community.
Q: How will the funds get to Ukraine?
A: We are working directly with the Singapore Red Cross to make sure the funds get to where they are most needed.
Q: Do I have to buy a NFT? Can't I just donate straight to the Singapore Red Cross and support the project?
A: Absolutely! Click the link below to do just that.
Q: So if I can donate directly to the Singapore Red Cross, why go to all this trouble?
A: Again, a big part of this effort is to empower children and to help them help others.
Q: I want to donate things like a teddy bear, blankets or food. Can I do that?
A: Sorry, but just getting the artwork to the refugees will be challenging. Getting donated items there will be impossible. That's why we donate to the Singapore Red Cross. They know exactly how to spend the money, buy the needed supplies and get those supplies to the people in need.