Living in Singapore
Reference Guide

17th Edition coming in May!
Our 50th Year in Print!!!
Chapters include:
The Big Move
Settling In
Food & Dining
Health & Wellness
Transportation & Driving
Running the Household
Life with Kids
Life as an Adult
Activities, Sports & Nature
Arts & Culture
Business & Career
Regional Travel
This special 50th edition also has lots of updated features:
Super cool interactive AR tools
Timelines of Singapore's history
Personal stories highlighting Singapore through the years
And so much more!
For five decades, Living in Singapore has inspired and enabled both newcomers and seasoned expats to get the best out of The Lion City.
A lot has changed since its first publication in 1976, but American Association of Singapore's much-loved guide, written by people in your shoes, continues to give the inside edge on making this corner of Southeast Asia your home.
As a book that has been published for almost as long as Singapore has been a nation, this 50th year edition covers everything from getting around, eating out, and entertaining the kids, to practical information on finding a doctor, choosing a school, getting legal advice, and much more.
Packed with history, insights, tips, and engaging stories to help you settle in and make the most of your time on the island, Living in Singapore is your essential companion to embracing everything that makes the city special.
Great Vehicle for Advertisers!
This book is a fantastic way to reach lots of potetial customrs, especially the much-coveted newbie market. The book is written by expats fo expats and is distributed by schools, serviced apartments, movers and so many other companies.
16th Edition
Still Available for Purchase
LIS is Also Available as a Digital Book

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