Living in Singapore
Living in Singapore (LIS) magazine is a gazette-style publication produced six times per year by the American Association of Singapore (AAS). Living in Singapore is the revamped version of Singapore American newspaper. Since its first publication in 1958,
Singapore American newspaper was the information pipe-line to the American community, to other expats, and to the local community in Singapore. Living in Singapore continues that long tradition.
LIS is published five times a year digitally and once in print which is then dropped at places across Singapore, including The American Club, the US Naval facility at PSA Sembawang, the US Embassy, major relocation companies, health institutions, international schools and serviced apartment operators. We're everywhere!
Beloved by the expat community, this "home-town paper" is filled with valuable information, informative stories on upcoming cultural and community events, travel, arts and culture, health and wellness, sports, member-offers and places to visit.
Read our Latest Issue
It’s that time of year most US citizens dread: Tax Time. We know this is a complicated process, but even harder for those of us who live abroad. Read our most recent issue to get some tips on taxes, financial planning, investing, and purchasing real estate in Singapore. We also hear how spending can affect mental health. Retail therapy can be satisfying, but may not be healthy for us!
In honor of International Women’s Day in March, we also look at the benefits of weightlifting for women and girls, and we celebrate the return of professional women’s tennis to Singapore. Leading up to Earth Day in April, we give you three actions you can take to impact climate change.
For those who may have missed it, check out our George Washington Ball recap and photos!