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Writer's pictureMelinda Murphy

Getting Back to Life in Singapore

I don't know about you, but after our family's summer break in the US, I always find it a bit tricky to get back into life in Singapore. Don't get me wrong: I love my life here and I really enjoy seeing everybody and getting back to work. Still, it takes a little effort to switch gears.

Here are a few tips to getting back to life in the Lion City.

  1. Switch on 'out of office messages' and turn off your push notifications. No more hiding out. It's time for people to know you're back and ready to get to work.

  2. Take an extra day off if you need to recover from jet lag. Jet lag is very real. Give yourself permission to struggle with it. Every single person who has traveled to and from Singapore gets this. If you're coming from the States in particular, jet lag can be brutal! Best way to beat jet lag? Head out into the sunshine and get your body clock to reset.

  3. Make a to-do list and prioritize it This sounds pretty basic, but making a list really helps – especially if you have a ridiculous amount of stuff to do. If you're working, make two lists. One list should be for social things like catching up with friends and scheduling playdates. The second list is for work-related stuff. Be realistic and know that you can't do everything on the list in a day so prioritize what's most important and tackle that stuff first.

  4. Implement a catch up day Don't go crazy and schedule meetings your first day back. Rather, schedule a day for doing nothing but catching up on emails and WhatsApp messages. Pay bills. Schedule meetings for later in the week so that your mind will be clear of the nagging emails you haven't responded to when you're at that all-important lunch.

  5. Start the day with "me time" Hop out of bed each morning and spend some time with yourself. Stretch your travel-tired limbs. Pray. Meditate. Walk the dog and listen to music. Prepare yourself for the day ahead.

  6. Take short breaks throughout the day Nobody likes slogging through stacks and stacks of emails. If you're at it too long, you lose your mojo so give yourself permission to take a break. Get your hair cut. Walk the dog. Call a friend. Doing these small things will help you keep your focus strong when you're at your computer.

  7. Socialize and catch up with your colleagues and friends. One of the best parts of life in Singapore is how social things are here. So jump in. Set up a lunch. Invite friends for dinner. Buy tickets to the AAS Welcome Back event at the new bird park. Dive in!

And don't worry if you don't quite feel the Singapore buzz just yet. This is my tenth summer traveling back and it always takes a little time to adjust. You'll soon be back into life in Singapore full speed ahead! Welcome home!

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