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Virtual Help for Americans: Online Notary Service and More

Writer: Melinda MurphyMelinda Murphy

Face it: we are all busier than ever. Somehow, in the world of computers and phones, we are all working longer hours. Add to that family life and there is a lot to juggle. None of us have time to sit for hours in waiting rooms, not to mention the drive time to and fro the place we're waiting. Fortunately, there are now some really great virtual services to make life easier.


If you've lived here long enough, you've needed to get something notarized with a US notary stamp. The only place that does that here in Singapore is the US Embassy. The problem? The dates are always booked up and they only see people during the morning when many of us have to work. Plus, it's USD$50 per notary seal. Ouch.

The other day, I needed to get something notarized for Girl Scouts and I stumbled upon something fabulous: Proof. It's an on-line notary service that is so incredibly simple to use. I filled out all the information and uploaded my document and ID. I had to answer some questions about places I'd lived in the to verify my identity. Then, I dialed in and was connected virtually to a notary in Texas. She recorded our call, I swore I was me and that I was signing the paperwork on my own free will and then I signed virtually. The whole thing took me less than five minutes. I did it when it was convenient for me and it cost me $25. And they operate 24/7. Wahoo!


Last year, I needed to update my New York driver's license. Again, I was able to do this online. I even took my eye exam online. No more scheduling visits at the DMV when we're home visiting in the summer, wasting a whole day when I could be with family. I think many US states now have something similar. Snoopy dance!


There's also Dr. Anywhere here in Singapore, which is online access to a doctor. Again, this is a fabulous timesaver when you need one. Of course, sometimes you need to go to the doctor for an actual examination or tests, but for something quick, this can't be beat.

All of this came to be out of a need during Covid. The good news is that it seems it's here to stay making life just a wee bit simpler for us all.


Getting your US mail in Singapore is tricky. The post office won't forward here and it's not always a great option having a family member forward your mail for you. First, it's a pain them. Two, they go through your personal papers. Neither is great. Enter Personal Mail International (PMI), an American-based, female-owned company. They'll sort out your junk mail and forward the "good" stuff. They also make sure everything meets customs requirements before it's sent. Or they'll even scan your mail and send into you that way. Prices start at $18/month.


Hot diggity dog! Finally, Americans can renew our passports online! As of September 2024, you can now opt to go to the Embassy or log onto and fill out all the info you need. They say the process will take six to eight weeks so it may actually be faster to go to the Embassy here, but this is super convenient!



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