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AAS Sports

Sports are a big part of American culture, so AAS is working to start new sports groups for our members. Join our various groups for friendly competition and to forge great friendships. You must have a paid or complimentary AAS membership to be a part of each team or group.


AAS Flag Football: Red Wolves


The newest Olympic sport is coming to AAS, and we are starting to build our team! Join the AAS Flag Football WhatsApp Group to be a part of the action and get the latest updates. The team will be open to both male and female players, but you must be an AAS member to join!


We will be participating in a six-a-side league, with players 18+ years old competing on both sides of the ball, offense and defense! For each game, there will be 8-12 active players to allow for subbing and rest. We will put together an AAS team of up to 20 players to account for travel, obligations, etc., to ensure a healthy turnout for each week. Fees for each player will be $75, which covers league membership in the Singapore Flag Football Assn (SFFA) and a cool AAS dry-fit uni top. The fees also go towards SFFA equipment purchases, game day logistics, and social events.


The SFFA has players with a wide variety of experience, from new players who have never played the sport before to former NCAA Division I players. We feel strongly that it is our responsibility to make flag football accessible to everyone, and we believe that we've created a league that balances competitiveness and fun. We will always welcome anyone who is interested to come out and play!

AAS Pickleball


The craze that is sweeping the US has also hit Singapore. With the game being a mix of tennis and ping pong it's easy to see its attraction to all levels of skill, from beginners to intermediate players. Our monthly sessions include doubles open play plus an option for beginners to drill with a coach. 


For updates, join the AAS Pickleball WhatsApp Group.

AAS Softball: Yankee Noodles


The Yankee Noodles is our softball team, first founded in 2023 (thought we had another softball team years ago first started in 1935!). It's a great group, a mix of Americans, Singaporeans and so many others! The team plays on Sunday afternoons. Learn more about the team here.


AAS Social Sports Clubs


Running Club

We are so excited to get our running group up and running! It is open to all levels, but you must be an AAS member to join! Be part of the AAS Running Club WhatsApp group to show your interest.


We will have monthly runs so join AAS (if you're not a member already) and the WhatsApp group now!


We will send out a survey to submit your preferences on run day/time, cadence and length.


Bowling Team

AAS has a bowling team that competes in the bowling league which pits American org teams against one another. 

WhatsApp Groups

Join our team WhatsApp groups to keep up with each team's schedules.



Sister Teams

American Dragons


AAS founded the multi-award-winning American Dragons in 2005. They're their own entity now, but we still have a very close relationship with them. In fact, AAS members receive discounts on American Dragons membership and vice versa. Learn more about the team here.

Participants agree to participate in the AAS sports program and will not hold AAS, its respective staff and employees, the members of the AAS Board, the coaches, or the outsourced coaches and companies liable for any loss or damage to property or personal injury or death that may occur before, during or after the sports program.


Participants are fully aware of the risks inherent in and associated with the sports program and with the particular activities in the sports program that they wish to undertake. AAS does not carry individual liability and accident insurance for any of the participants and, therefore, requires that participants assume full medical and financial responsibility. In the event of an inability to make their own decisions, participants authorize the coaches and other participants to sign for and consent to, on their behalf, any medical treatment that may be deemed necessary.


AAS does not maintain medical or accident insurance for participants or guests or for theft or loss of personal property such as laptops and mobile phones. Guests are encouraged to arrange such insurance with one of the many carriers in Singapore.


Participants agree not to hold AAS, staff, the Board, council, coaches and athletic director(s), and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, co-branders, grantors, and other partners, and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, co-branders, grantors, and other partners liable for any expense or loss in respect of personal injury to or death of myself or guests, or damage to any property belonging to myself/guest, unless due to the negligence or willful default of any employee or agent of the AAS.

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