Kids Corner
Sister Orgs
with Children's Programming
AAS strives to provide fun, quality programming for the entire family, but we also have many American sister organizations that offer specialized programming for children. Be sure to check them all out!

Ongoing Cool Kid Stuff
Troop 10B is chartered through Stamford American International School but welcomes boys from all around Singapore. Through its well-designed program, Scouts gain valuable skills and develop friendships that will follow them for the rest of their lives. Scouts also have lots of fun at weekly meetings, monthly campouts, and high adventure activities! Giving back to the community is an important part of the Troop 10 experience and Scouts get involved with many community service projects.
Troop 1010G is one of the first Scouts BSA Troops for girls in the world, and the very first in Singapore and the Asia South District. We are chartered through Stamford American International School, but welcome girls from schools all around Singapore. Scouts BSA for girls is structured to assure they can equally enjoy the same program opportunities to challenge themselves, gain special skills and outdoor experience, serve the local and international communities, instill important values, and develop leadership abilities that will serve them over the course of their lives.
In Cub Scouts Pack 3017, ages
Cub Scout Pack 3017 is looking for boys and girls from kindergarten to 5th grade (age 5-11) to join their active pack of 80+ scouts from different schools and nationalities. No experience necessary, just an appetite for fun and adventure. We are also looking for adult volunteers for various roles and leadership positions within our pack. This year’s (2023-2024) new scout registration ends on August 31.
For more details, email

Girl Scouts is leadership training for girls disguised as fun and USAGSO (Singapore) is one of the largest and strongest Girl Scouts programs in the world outside of the US. This incredibly diverse and strong leadership training program is open to girls ages 5-18 of all nationalities. Troops meet at schools and on weekends depending on the troop. There are also lots of community-wide programs such as Father Daughter Dance and Overnight Camp.
Early bird registration opens April 1.